Current Board Members (2021)
We have nine members on our Board. For each one you can see when they were first elected or appointed to the Board and also when they were most recently elected to a two-year term of office.

Key Volunteers
Some volunteers have offered to be resources on specific topics for us. The ones we have now are listed here:
Veterans Affairs Coordinator – Anyone seeking information on what benefits a US military veteran is entitled to associated with their funeral arrangements can contact Rich Dixon by leaving a message on our phone line 714-376-4491 or sending an email to
Volunteer Opportunities
Here is a short list with brief descriptions of several functions for which we seek a volunteer coordinator as well as other volunteers to help the coordinator with each of these tasks:
Development Coordinator – This person will keep in touch with our donors and will also seek additional financial and other forms of support from individuals, corporations, other organizations, and foundations.
Webmaster / Web Development Coordinator – Our present website is not nearly what we envision having. We wish to expand and upgrade this website to make it better serve both our members and the community at large, using the best of what we can see on other Funeral Consumer Alliance affiliate’s websites. And we need someone to continuously add new articles and other information items as they become available, thereby keeping the site always fresh (and helping the search engines rank it more highly, and thus further help those who need us find us). This person will either do both of these things, or will work with others to make sure they are done.
Advocacy Coordinator – In addition to helping consumers learn about their rights and about what options are currently available, our mission includes advocating for more and better options and/or more or better rights. This person must first learn what the present laws and regulations are (at the state, county, and city levels) that govern end-of-life services in our three counties. That information can then be posted on our website and also conveyed to the community and our members through educational lectures and a newsletter. Then this person will organize and direct advocacy efforts by our members before various city, county, or state legislative bodies to help us get more and better options and rights.
If you would enjoy helping us out with one of the jobs listed here, or in some other way, please speak up by leaving a message on our phone line 714-376-4491 or sending an email to
We’d be delighted to have your help. And you’ll get the satisfaction of knowing that you are making a significant contribution to an important organization for our community.